By Kevin Player
Measurement & Verification
Measurement and Verification (M&V) is a formal, best-practice process of accurately measuring and verifying the performance of energy conservation measures (ECMs) or energy management systems (EMSs).
M&V, at a conceptual level, is like an insurance policy for the performance savings associated with the project because it allows stakeholders to confirm that the implemented measures are delivering the expected energy and cost savings. It also helps identify any issues or opportunities for further improvement.
What are the steps for M&V?
Define the scope and objectives of the M&V project
Develop a baseline energy consumption model to predict energy use in the absence of the ECM
Collect energy use data before and after the implementation of the ECM
Analyze the data to determine the energy savings and other benefits resulting from the ECM
Document and report the results of the M&V plan
The goal of M&V isn’t just to ensure you’re meeting protocol IPMVP requirements (International Performance Measurement and Verification); it’s to verify the savings calculations used in the original energy conservation analysis through short-and-long-term systems monitoring, performance data, system diagnostics, and utility bill analysis.
What are the benefits of M&V?
Increase and sustain energy savings
Document financial transactions
Enhance financing for efficiency projects
Improve engineering design and facility operations and maintenance
Manage energy budgets
Enhance the value of emission-reduction credits
Support evaluation of regional efficiency programs
Increase public acceptance of the related emission reduction, which in turn encourages additional investments in energy-efficiency projects
About Kevin Player
Kevin Player is a dynamic leader and the driving force behind the commissioning and Measurement & Verification (M&V) programs at Millig Design Build. As the Director of Project Performance, he spearheads these initiatives on a national scale, ensuring optimal project outcomes across the organization. With an impressive 15-year track record in testing, verifying, and troubleshooting electronic and HVAC systems, Kevin possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in achieving peak performance and energy efficiency.
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
Smart meters and building controls
On-site solar and other renewable energy systems
LED lighting retrofits
Building envelope improvements
Water systems
And more